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The Brand Cue is a unique social network for individuals with Autism.

The Speculative Brief Create a solution for people with Autism who struggle to socialise due to environmental factors. During our research we found that the Autistic 18-30 age range is greatly underserved and also very vocal on social media about the lack of social interaction in their lives.

My Role I worked alongside a team of service designers and developers to create an inclusive social experience wayfinding service. I was then responsible for naming, branding and helping to guide the digital user experience.

How it works The system we developed assists the user in identifying their personal sensitivities and helping to cue them to public places and social opportunities that align with their preferences based on their assigned ‘cue hue’. The colour coding system is assigned based on personal environmental preferences through an interactive survey. The outcome assigns each user with their own personal identification card guiding them to appropriate social situations. Mobile applications and colour-changing markers inform the user of the real time environments allowing social comfort for individuals affected by Autism. Recognised by Coroflot and Autism Speaks.

Deliverables Identity, mobile app UI, OOH advertising

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